On a less serious note, some people say that they reach the utmost height of creativity when they have chemical "enhancements". I ,on the other hand, produce some of my best work when I am PMS'ing. Laugh all you want, but you know it's true. All those raging and badly bottled up emotions constitue some pret-ty darn good "stuff".
I am posting the latest poem I've written, and surprisingly it got some pretty good reviews from my classmates in my poetry technique class. They ahd some great suggestions too. Let's see how YOU can help me.
I couldn't squeeze a tear when my grandfather died
I was nine and couldn't feel anything.
My cousin was shuddering
Elders huddled
Like a mass of black crows
And there I was, barely frowning for the loss
Of someone I'd never known
Slowly, agonizingly slow
Every face lifted towards mine
Confusion and anger in a hundred eyes
Only then did I let loose a deluge of tears
Not for the memory of the corpse
Sleeping in the hot bronze sand
But for soccer games unattended
And is empty lap that should have been
Bouncing me at the other side of the world
I cried because I would not cry for a
Man I did not know, but should have loved
Very nice